
Hand Sanitiser Stations

by Deleted User 26 April 2019, 10:41

Category: Welfare

Voting closed

Thank you for your Big Idea. This idea was discussed by Student Council and they decided not to procede with it. It was felt that it was more important to focus their efforts on targeting the causes of ill health given the availabilty of sinks and anti-biotic soap in toilets accross campus.


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I propose having foam or gel hand sanitisers that are automatic/sensor activated located around campus as frequently as water stations are available.

With the recent out break of mumps and very common freshers flu being a reality at unvieristy, this would contribute to the reduction of spread of bacteria. I am aware it is easy for student s to simply wash their hands however is this fully effective? and can we guarentee all students do it?

Doors, banisters and handles are all high germ points that are invetiable to have to touch them.

With automatic hand sanitisers located all over ALL 3 campuses i feel this would help mitigate the spread of bacteria and common germs, making students healthier and potietnally reducing the amount of common colds caught that then students feel require medical attention taking up doctors time and hopefully increasing student attendance. 


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    Samuel Crosby   wrote, 23-05-2019 - 15:45

    I was not around to vote for this but I believe this is a very sensible, healthy idea that brings up some excellent points. With such an influx of students each year from around the country, using facilities such as lecturer halls and the library, we as students come into contact with other fluids on an active basis. Hand Sanitiser stations installed around such high traffic places could help in reducing the spread of germs and keeping the student populace at NTU healthier.

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