
An Ethical Investment Policy for NTSU

by Charlie Hindhaugh 04 November 2024, 21:43

Category: Union Democracy

Voting closed


Thank you for submitting your idea,

I am happy to say that this idea was passed by council,this big idea has been assigned to the NTSU President

1 Dislikes

The Unvieristy has a really good ethical investment policy [1]. The Uni won't invest our tuition fees to accelerate climate change or cause human rights abuses..

It's a shame that NTSU doesn't do the same [2]. Which is a surprise, as we helped write it [3]. Maybe our Union should at least match it?

I propose that NTSU adopts an ethical finance policy, so our Union does not invest in, profit from, or take money from bad causes.

By bad causes, I mean your classic villains: oil companies, arms companies, companies profiting from human rights abuses, companies that promote addictive and harmful products.

Basically, think anything Nicholas Cage would play the role of a CEO in.

NTSU has a lot of money. A substantial sum is invested for pensions and savings. And money talks.S

So let's have our money do the good kinda talking.

By voting for this Big Idea, it will be sent to the next All Student Meeting to adopt the following motion:

This Union Beleives:

  1. We should not profit from, or invest in, unethical causes or companies.

This Union Resolves

  1. To create an ethical investment and finance strategy, to ensure that NTSU does not invest its money or support the following sectors:
    • a. The fossil fuel sector.
    • b. Arms companies.
    • c. Companies whose activities are are potentially injurious to health (including alcohol, gambling, or tobacco).
    • d. Corporations complicit in the violation of international law.
  2. Publish this policy on the NTSU website.
  3. For the President, as Chair of the Board of Trustees, to establish a working group of the Board of Trustees to implement this policy.


[1] NTU Ethical Investment Policy:

[2] They might, it's just there's no information on the NTSU website. I hope I'm proved wrong, and instead just look red-faced at the next Student Meeting where this is discussed.

[3] The NTSU President is part of the committee that reviews this policy on an annual basis: NTU Ethical Investment Policy, 'Ethics and Sustainability', para 4.
