
Changes to the Democratic Procedures Document

by Martha Longdon 17 November 2017, 16:56

Category: Union Democracy

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Following a review undertaken by the National Union of Students, the NTSU executive team are presenting the following to the NTSU Union Meeting on the 23rd November 2017.


The Union Notes;

  1. The bye-laws of NTSU are referred to as the Democratic Procedures Document (DPD). This document outlines the way in which different areas of the union are run.
  2. Within the document, we outline the structure of the NTSU Executive Team. It is best practice to review this on a regular basis.
  3. The Executive Team was reviewed by NUS, with direct input from NTU students.
  4. As a result of the review, NTSU is proposing changes to the officer structure, to reflect the needs of our student body.
  5. Some areas of the DPD are confusing or incorrect and do not reflect current practices.
  6. In previous years, NUS delegate elections have taken place in Term 2.


The Union Believes;

  1. The strategy and direction of NTU has altered, and the union should reflect that.
  2. There is a need for wider postgraduate representation in the union.
  3. Students are focussing on employability and we should be contributing to that.
  4. The capital investment at City and Clifton campuses negate the need for campus liaison officers.
  5. Evidence has shown that students don’t understand the need for the role of Vice President Services and its remit is seasonal and often led by staff.
  6. The DPD needs tidying up and clarifying in some areas, so that it reflects the current practices of the union.
  7. NUS delegate elections need to take place in Term 1, to fit with NUS timings, and ensure elected students have time to take place in the decision-making processes, and be sufficiently trained in advance of conference.


The Union Resolves;

  1. To implement the changes suggested by the NUS officer review
    1. To introduce a Vice President Postgraduate, to work on PG representation and employability initiatives.
  2. To remove the roles of City and Clifton Liaison Officer
    1. The executive team, and the NTSU Staff will commit more to tri campus working
    2. Brackenhurst Officer will stay.
  3. To remove the role of Vice President Services and distribute its responsibilities amongst the rest of the Executive Team.
  4. To make the necessary changes to the DPD, to ensure it is reflective of what already happens in the organisation, and it contains the correct spelling and grammar.
  5. To move NUS Delegate elections to Term 1.
