
Introducing Sets in degrees

by Samuel Elliott 12 December 2018, 11:56

Category: 21st Century University

Voting closed

NTSU’s Student Council rejected this Big Idea as it was felt that this was contradictory to the nature of Higher Education, given the entry requirements and league tables. It was also noted that previous attainment was not always an indicator of ability at university level and that this would put more of a strain on academic staff. If you have any questions, please email your VP Education

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University is an amazing place; the opportunities are endless. People choose to spend their time making friends and socialising, others choose it to make friends from other countries and broaden their cultural horizons and others use it to pursue sporting excellence and achievement. With such a wide ranging set of priorities amongst a student body, a structured academic set up is in place across all faculties.

Enhancing this by introducing cohorts of sets (tiers of students sorted by achievement, application and attendance/engagement) would greatly benefit those who are prioritising getting the highest possible grade and maximum educational value from their degree. Grouping pupils based on this in seminars would enhance their learning experience and reward them for their efforts!

Why should meritocracy end at the most expensive part of our education? 
