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ConSoc Meadows Surveying

Meet outside Brackenhurst Library at 1pm.

Join us as we contribute to our long-running ConSoc Meadows Project, where we'll be identifying plant species around our accommodation blocks and assess the species abundance across our 120+ plots! A great chance to improve your flower ID skills and contribute to this project for the benefit of the local biodiversity. You may even see rare flowers such as bee orchids and some classic meadow species such as yellow-rattle and viper's bugloss!

Suitable for everyone.

Dress for the weather, with sun protection should it be a sunny day!


Venue : Brackenhurst

Type: Brackenhurst

Start Date: Wednesday 22-05-2024 - 13:00

End date: Wednesday 22-05-2024 - 16:00

Capacity: 50


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